The MSM is Crackulicious!
I have been out of town all week. Mighty Mimas has a conference of Biomedical researchers. You will be, as am I, disappointed to learn they do not wear the fez to such events anymore. This leaves me to wander the bookstores of Boston, sample beers, relive my youth, watch the world cup and....................................................................................................................................................................................... slouch drooling before this device that I don't have at home, it is known as the "television" though some may be tempted to whisper its name in strange flickering rites held in the bluish dark: it is the gaping eye of satan and it is cracklike to those of us without defenses.
How wrong I have been, how unjust, and to think just ten minutes of the brain probe treatment known as "CNN" or merely two minutes of the other-oriented probe that they call "Fox" and I see the truth. Let's review:
Iraq is free and peaceful
all is well.
Mr. Rove is a man of great integrity.
no need to panic.
the economy is fantastic.
unless you are from a subhuman race.
the democrats are terrorists.
the democratic leadership thinks primaries are suggestions only.
New Orleans got what it deserved and will be the White City once again.
all is well.
all is well.
George Bush is brave.
George Bush is a genius.
George Bush will protect you.
Dear Leader loves us.
Dear Leader speaks the truth.
You cannot think otherwise and be an American.
all is well.
all is well.
all is well.
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